INCREDIBLE YOUNG RESEARCHER OF INDIA | DR SREEMANTI BAG | Medical Practitioner | Otorhinolaryngology | West Bengal. Dr. Sreemanti Bag is a medical practitioner specializing in Otorhinolaryngology and Head, Neck Surgery. She has completed her M.B.B.S & M.S.( Otorhinolaryngology and Head, Neck Surgery) from KPC Medical College and Hospital, Kolkata under West Bengal University of Health Sciences. She has designed and demonstrated a unique innovative device (HEAR –O–SCOPE) in the prevention of Noise-Induced Hearing Loss in different science fairs in and around the city of Kolkata, West Bengal. She won in 1st Prize in the Poster competition in connection with 2nd Global Conference on Noise Pollution & Health organized by Noise & Health and National Initiative for Safe Sound (NISS), Association of Otolaryngologists of India (AOI ) and Indian Medical Association (IMA) held on November 2020. Her publication “Role of a Unique Innovative Device (HEAR –O –SCOPE) in prevention of Noise-Induced Hearing Loss” has been published on June 3, 2021, in JOHNS (Vol -29, No: 1- April 2021) earned warm reviews. She had participated in World Hearing Day 2021/ World Report on Hearing Campaign organized by World Health Organisation (WHO) on 3, March 2021 for prevention of Noise Induced Hearing Loss (NIHL) for which she was felicitated with WHO Certification. She also has the following articles published in MYSEPIC, a leading Bengali Online News Portal: i)“বধির দিবসে হই অঙ্গীকারবদ্ধ, শব্দদূষণকে করি জব্দ” (Let us take oath on International Day for the Deaf people, to beat the demons of Noise pollution) on September 26,2021 https://www.mysepik.com/deaf-day-is-committed-noise-pollution-is-seized-dr-mrs-bug/ and ii) “করোনা-আবহে জাতীয় চিকিৎসক দিবস: কিছু আশঙ্কা, সতর্কতা আর অঙ্গীকার” (National Doctors Day amidst Covid environment: Some worries, caution, and pledge to be taken) published in the Bengali language on July 1, 2021 l: https://www.mysepik.com/doctors-day-in-corona-situation-some-concerns-warnings-and-promises. Her abstract titled, “A unique low-cost device to disinfect the SARS- COV-2 virus in the expired air of COVID -19 patients” got accepted for a conference at World Congress on Surgery, Surgeons, And Anesthesia, to be held in the month of November 2021, London, UK and invited at the same event as a speaker. She had participated in E- Poster campaigns “Save Lives Clean Your Hands Campaign” organized by World Health Organisation (WHO) on 5, May 2021 and by World Heart Federation on 29.09.2021 She has participated in oral and poster presentations in the state, national and international conferences, organized and participated in many health camps, webinars and surgical workshops. Officially Incredible!!!

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